Thursday, November 17, 2016


Today I am thankful for airplanes that take me to see my family!  Hooray family! I'm super excited and can't wait to get there, although it will almost be tomorrow by the time I finally land.  I am also thankful for all of the employees who make my flights possible.  They often get a bad rap from people who are angry when things are delayed or out of their control, but for the most part most people I encounter while traveling are just trying to do their job and I appreciate them for that.  So, today's shoes are inspired by flight.

I started out looking for shoes with wings.  Holy mother of cheesecake (Thank you, author Debbie Macomber, for THAT phrase that I just read in your latest book), these are crazy.  I love the colors, but dang.  And there are numerous pairs of these, in all different colors.  Why, exactly?

Somehow they're a cuter when they're smaller and light up.  These would be fun for a small child to go tromping through the airport in. 

These said wings, but they could just as easily be leaves?  I decided to move away from wings and on to...

Airplane shoes.  Which I've done before, but come on, they're totally theme appropriate.  And adorable.

I wouldn't buy these just for everyday, but I would totally wear them on a plane.  Because I'm weird like that.

Or these.  I know, I need themed shoe therapy.  Whatever, I'm going home, so I don't care if you think I'm weird. 

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