Monday, November 14, 2016

Happy Birthday, Hubby!

Today is the hubby's birthday, and he is what I am grateful for today.  We've been together for a little over 6 years now, and we've certainly had our ups and downs.  Some days he drives me a little bit bonkers and I want to kick him, and I know some days I drive him bonkers back.  When push comes to shove, though, we've go each other's backs and for that I am very grateful.  Plus, he makes me laugh with his goofy sense of humor.  So tonight's shoes are inspired by the hubby.  I've already done a post with our last name, so today I'm using his first name.  Which is just weird because he doesn't go by it, and refuses to answer to it, but I figure the shoes don't mind one way or the other.

These look like something the hubby would wear.  He likes suits, and he has a couple of pairs of wingtips to go with them.

Black shoes are definitely his preference.  Kind of like wonder they like each other!

Oh wow.  I can't see him wearing these, and I can't say I would blame him.

He wouldn't wear these, either, but I might.

Boy shoes are all well and good, but not very exciting, so here's some hounds tooth for me.

Oooh...and I love this one!

Happy Birthday, hubby.  Love you to the moon and back!

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