Saturday, November 12, 2016


Today I am thankful for good friends and baby spoiling.  I hung out with SKD today, and this morning got to spend time with her while she was babysitting her great niece and nephew who are 2 year old twins and absolutely adorable.  The girl was cracking me up because she kept saying "no no, boy" and "uh oh, boy" to her brother whenever he did something she thought he shouldn't.  This was always accompanied by a disapproving look and a wagging finger. Both kiddos are really sweet and I had a blast with them.  And then I had a fabulous afternoon with their auntie.  Tonight's shoes are inspired by twins:

I love both of these, but can we please get away from the strict gender binaries of pink and blue?

Still pink, but look! Green!

I know they aren't shoes, and we're back to pink and blue, but these are adorable.

Yay, throwing a little purple in the mix, which is the girl twins favorite color.  She says puhple.

I am grateful for a good day.

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