Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

My 30 Days of Thankfulness are kind of going by the wayside, not because I lack things for which to be thankful, but because I'm having such a nice time at home that I keep getting sidetracked and forgetting to post.  Like yesterday, I hung out with the parents, Double A, and the Bean, and then the girls had a sleepover, and I was in bed before I realized I hadn't posted.  Which is silly because we wore awesome pjs that would have made for a great post:

As I said on Facebook yesterday, yes, I AM that auntie who forces her nieces to wear matching pjs with her.  Here is a slightly different view:

This is fro tonight, and see that awesome sock peaking out from my pjs?

Yep.  Totally owl thanksgiving socks!  It's quite the fabulous theme I have going on.  I actually feel slightly guilty for posting all of this cute owl stuff where the Pinterest Friend can't see it, when she isn't here to participate.  But really, it's her own fault for getting me obsessed with owls in the first. place. 😋  Speaking of the PF, she sent me this recently:

Flip flop turkey!  Hilarious and adorable.  Which brings me to the earrings I wore today for Thanksgiving:

Ridiculous(ly adorable) turkey earrings.

Today I am thankful for so many things:  time with family, good friends, yummy food, silly accessories, the list could go on an on.  Rather than keep you (or me) up any later, though, I will just show one more picture, which is of our first Thanksgiving meal of the day:

The girls decided they wanted a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving this year, so we had this around 11:30 and regular Thanksgiving tonight.  Good times.  And Good Night.  I hope your day was filled with blessings.

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