Friday, November 25, 2016


A quick entry tonight because once again I got caught up and almost forgot to post.  Today I am thankful for family.  I know, I sound like a broken record, but it's because I am home and spending time with them and trying to enjoy every minute.  Today involved a lot of prep for tomorrow, but I did also get to go for a walk with my dad, look through some old pictures with my mom, hung out with my brother a bit, and go to the movie with The Bean and Double A, so that was all lovely.  They movie was Dr. Strange, and that is the theme for tonight's shoes.  Actually, it's only one pair, from three different angles, but it's a pair that definitely committed to a theme:

Scenes from the movie, but drawn like a comic book.  Even the shape is strange, which I appreciate, because again, commitment to theme.  Double A and The Bean (as I've said before) are giant marvel fans, so they were excited about the movie.  I enjoyed it quite a lot, actually, despite knowing next to nothing about this part of the Marvel universe.  But now I must go to bed so I can get up in the morning and finishing preparations for The Big Day.

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