Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Today I learned (because the Pinterest Friend learned) that the Pumpkin Seed is actually a Henry!  So now she will have 3 boys, counting her hubby, in her family.  It's Facebook official, so I'm not giving any spoilers by posting it here.  Tonight's shoes are in gratitude for baby boys:

I do love me some plaid.

I love these. The gray parts look like dapper, little vests.

He would, of course, need a matching sweater to go with these.

So snuggly for a little Idaho baby!

I love all of the colors of the foxes.

I mostly found "girl" owl shoes.  What's up with that?

And of course some adorable hedgie hogs.

Yay, babies!  I'm having a sleepover at the seester's tonight, so I'm off to snuggle with Flower and Laughter while we watch the new season of Fixer Upper.

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