Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Tonight I am grateful for surrogate puppy snuggles.  This is the seester's dog, Lola:

She's a 6 month old shih tzu and has apparently decided that I was put on this planet to rub her tummy, because every time I get within a foot of her she flops onto her back and gives me adorable face until I scratch her.  I'm the only one she does this to.  While I am grateful this little cutie seems to like me, I also feel like I'm cheating on my own puppies.  This feeling is not helped by the hubby sending me this

with the caption, "MOM, HOW COULD YOU?"  Poor Tallulah.  Now she's going to need therapy.  Let's not tell her that tonight's shoes are inspired by Lola, OK?  Please?

I'm pretty sure Lola needs duckie slippers.

I admit to dressing my dogs in outfits, but the hair bows?  I ust can't quite seem to get on board.  I think Lola is lovely without the hair bow.  Plus it might get in the way of her cow-chasing and cow-poop-eating ways.  Yep, she's classy that way, our Lola.

Aw...this one is adorable, and I would wear it.  Except that I wouldn't because my dogs would be mad at me for the rest of forever.

Also adorable.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get some therapy for cheating on my puppies.

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