Friday, November 4, 2016


Today I am thankful that nature keeps smacking me in the face with beauty.  After I wrote last night's post I went to take the office garbage out to the dumpster and got to see the gorgeous sunset.

This picture does it absolutely no justice.  The colors were really deep and intense and it was just the moment I needed after yesterday's blah.

In honor of that moment, today's shoes are inspired by sunsets:

If you put a little more fuchsia into this burgundy you would start to get closer to the color of last night's sunset.

Patent leather just seemed appropriate for this post.  So shiny!

I used to have a pair very similar to this.

Hmmm...maybe I need to find an occasion where I can wear shiny purple patent leather shoes...

A pair of shoes that ties all of the rest together!  And I live in CA, so even the palm trees are appropriate.

Here's hoping today continues on an even keel and the craziness of yesterday doesn't decide to attack again.

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