Friday, November 11, 2016


Today I am thankful for our veterans.  Military service is not something I have felt called to or think I could do, but I'm grateful for those who are called to and are willing to serve in such a way.  I posted these 3 pictures on Facebook today in honor of Veteran's Day:

These are pictures of Mom's dad, my dad, and DJ. Apparently we're a naval family because my uncle was also in the navy, I just don't have a picture of him.  In honor of my these extra special veterans here are some nautically-inspired shoes:

You know I'm going to love these because they're blue.  I also like that they're themed but not over the top with their theme.

Ditto to these.  I think they're adorable.

This is creeping toward that over the top edge of theme-y-ness.


Navy shoes for the whole family!

Thank you to those who serve.  I am a proud auntie when it comes to DJ, and I pray for her continued safety as she moves forward in this journey.

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