Thursday, December 22, 2016

Adventures in Hair Dye

Double A helped The Bean and me dye our hair with blue kool-aid tonight.  The Bean did the ends of her hair, and I did a little bit of the underside of mine.  Mom took a picture of us lying on the dining room floor with our hair in cups to send to the hubby, who was understandably confused.  So I now have sort-of blue hair.  I tried to take a picture of it but you can't really see the color.  Maybe tomorrow if the sun comes out I can go outside and get a better picture.  Anyhoo, I was trying to decide what to do for tonight's post.  I've already done kool-aid shoes, and you're probably sick of me posting blue shoes, and the other variations I tried didn't produce anything.  I did look up blue shoes yet again and came across this:

I like them.  They're different and interesting.  These led to the following pair:

These are Badgely Mischka, so we're not going to talk about how much they probably cost, but they come in a bunch of different colors:

I think I've probably posted the blue version already, but hey, they match my hair!  Sort of.

So far we're going in reverse rainbow order.

I couldn't find yellow or orange so had to skip straight to red.  But, now I have Christmas colors next to each other!

And back to turquoise.  This might be closer to the color of my hair.  How do I know, it's on the back of my head.

I've slowed down on the sugar shock, but I'm still going.  I only made one thing yesterday and today.  Yesterday Mom and I made up a recipe using some of the ingredients leftover from other things, and today I made peanut butter cups that are quite yummy.  So that's 8 kinds of cookies/candy/whatever so far.  I might need a 12 step program.

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