Thursday, December 8, 2016


What have I done?  I hadn't gotten my return plane ticket yet for a variety of reasons.  The hubby and I were talking today and I was looking at prices.  For the next week they are a decent price, and then they get really high over Christmas.  January 5th had the lowest price, and the hubby said, "why don't you just stay?  Take advantage of being able to hang out with your family for an extended period."  So, I now have a return ticket for January 5th.  On the one hand, yay!  Family time!  Niece snuggles!  On the other hand, massive guilt for leaving my husband alone for Thanksgiving, Christmas, AND New Year's.  I know it was his idea, and believe me, he wouldn't have said it if he didn't mean it, but I've been having really mixed emotions all day.  And I miss my puppies.  Oh, and I have no Christmas socks or earrings because I didn't pack any.  And Pedro only has his tux and his Thanksgiving shirt, so I can't dress him appropriately for the season.  (Also, yes, I know those last 2 things are completely inane, but this is how my brain works when I get weirded out and feel guilty about something)  I'm feeling very selfish at the moment.

OK, moving on.  Did you know that today was National Brownie Day?  Me either, until a few minutes ago, but I made brownies today!  It was cold in the house today and we had a box of brownie mix in the cupboard, so I figured I'd use the oven, warm up the house, and get chocolate all in one go.  Tonight's shoes are inspired by this happy coincidence:

I like them all.  Brownies are yummy.  I still have guilt.  Good night.

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