Wednesday, December 7, 2016


I've been doing Christmas puzzles on my Kindle this week.  I'm terrible at actual puzzles, but quite enjoy them on my kindle.  Each puzzle can be done with 35, 70, 140, 280, or 630 pieces.  I usually do the first three.  I've done one puzzle with the 280 pieces, and I haven't even attempted the 630 pieces because the screen on my kindle is tiny and I don't even think I could see the pieces.  Tonight's shoes are puzzle inspired.

I like all of these, although the first one is my favorite.  I think I could maybe do the last one. It's only 500 pieces.  Maybe.  Did I mention that I'm terrible at real puzzles?

These last 3 are all from Zazzle.  CHRISTMAS shoe puzzles!  I think Zazzle is my spirit animal.  If only I could actually afford to shop there.

I keep thinking of this quote as I'm puzzling.  Thankfully my puzzler has yet to get sore from the puzzling.  Probably because I skip the 630 piece option.

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