Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas Programs, Round 2

Yesterday at 1:00 was Laughter's Christmas program, her first ever since she's just in Kindergarten, and she was SOOOOO excited.  She was hilarious before the program, jumping up and down and waving like crazy.  Her program was the Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades, and all of them wore their pajamas, so they were pretty adorable.  After the program, Mom, Dad and I got back in the car and came back home so I could head to Pippi's and Tink's program at 5:30.  Their school program was Monday and I wasn't able to go, but at least I got to go to their church program.  Pippi was the narrator and Tink was Joseph and they both did awesome jobs.  All my nieces are awesome; I'm such a proud auntie.  I got an even better treat in that Tink and Pippi came over for a play date today so I got to spend some more time with them, which I always love.  They were (as always) cracking me up with their goofy antics.  Pippi asked if I would play hide and seek with them, and I had to laugh at myself because as soon as I got into my hiding place I totally had to pee.  It never fails, the same thing happened when I was a kid.  It makes hiding difficult when all I can think of is my bladder.

Anyhoodle, tonight's shoes are nativity themed in honor of all of this week's Christmas programs:

This is so pretty.  Why do the shoe people want me stepping on the baby Jesus, the Holy Family, and the Wise Men?  So rude. 

I think this one is really sweet, but what is hovering behind the Holy Family?  Are those supposed to be angels?  Because they look like bull's heads or possibly devil heads.  Shoe fail.

Also pretty.  Also, see comments above on the first pair.

I had to rotate the picture so you could see the image on the shoe better, but then the overall shoe looks funky.  I like the cartoon, though, and it makes for a cute, quirky shoe.

I think this effort at nativity shoes went much better than the last time I went looking, but I'm still not convinced that nativity shoes are necessary, or even appropriate.

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