Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas Programs

Christmas Programs are the theme of this week.  Flower's was last night and she looked beautiful and did an awesome job.  She played her clarinet and sang in the choir, and even had a speaking part!  (Pippi's and Tink's was also last night but sadly I haven't learned to be in 2 places at once)  The Bean's was tonight and she also looked beautiful and did an awesome job.  At least I'm almost positive she did, but I couldn't actually see her, which sucked.  She was smack behind the director, and even when the director moved all I could see of her was about 2 inches of her forehead.  That's what happens when you're short and play tenor sax so you're in the third row.  Oh well, it was still fun to listen.  (Flower and The Bean both had cute shoes for their programs, but did I take pictures?  No, I did not.  I'm a terrible auntie)  Laughter's is tomorrow at 1:00 and hopefully the weather holds so we can go.  Then Pippi and Tink's church program is tomorrow at 5:30, so hopefully the weather holds so the trip home isn't too terrible.  It's a busy week full of my favorite little people!  In honor of all of these programs tonight's shoes are a random assortment of Christmas shoes:

These wouldn't actually have to be Christmas shoes, but red plaid is rather festive.

I love these.  So cute!

Awww...the PB needs these for the imaginary baby closet.

And these!  Also, can I have some?

This appears to be two different kids, otherwise it's someone with very strange feet, but I would totally wear one green and one red shoe as a pair.

Well, I'm off to bed so I can get up and go to more programs tomorrow.

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