Monday, December 19, 2016


I was very Christmas-y today.  This morning I watched Santa Claus is Coming to Town while crocheting Laughter's Christmas present.  This evening I decorated Mom and Dad's big tree in the living room.  In between I spent the afternoon in the kitchen making Mocha Truffles, Mocha Pecan Balls, Coconut Pecan Praline Cookies, and Popcorn Balls.  I was going to do more but then it was time to work on getting dinner ready.  I think I'll do a couple of more kinds of cookies/candy tomorrow.  I'm in a groove, apparently.  Tonight's shoes are Christmas cookie themed to keep the groove going:

Did you really need the same shoe in 2 different colors?  Well no, but clearly yes.

These are almost too pretty to eat.  And yet I would still eat them.  Because I am rude like that.

These just make me smile.

As do these!  I totally need a pair for when I bake Christmas cookies.

I've posted cookies made with this cookie cutter before, but I appreciate that someone made them into Christmas shoes.  Very festive.

I think I will now go read while gazing at the Christmas tree.  Yeah, it's a rough life...

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