Sunday, December 18, 2016


This weekend the movie was Trolls.  I worked concessions for The Bean Friday night and yesterday afternoon since she was at a sleepover and then Mom asked me to work for her tonight.  I thought it was cute.  There are many ways I picture trolls, depending on the context.  For these trolls the picture in my head from childhood is this:

I can never decide if they're ugly or cute or some combination thereof. I actually think it's supposed to be the combination.

This is what they look like in the new movie.  Much cuter, still kind of weird.  So tonight's shoes are troll shoes, of course:

This one looks more like the old school trolls.  I like the colors.

Gaaah...troll butt!

So much pink.  Which actually works for the movie and that character, who is always talking about rainbows and cupcakes.

This guy is grumpy through most of the movie.  Poor boys get the grumpy guy because he's blue.  Rude.

Heehee.  That hair is hilarious and I think it would tickle.

These are adorably ugly.  I don't think they PB needs these.

There you go. Trolls shoes.  I'm sure your life has been enriched.

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