Tuesday, December 6, 2016


The Brother works late on Tuesday, which means that Double A and The Bean stay until 9:00.  After dinner the parents and Double A watched NCIS while The Bean and I snuggled up in bed and watched Netflix on my kindle. (Oh, Double A also made cookies.  Yummy chocolate cookies.  Cookies we call Cow Patties because they look like a cow flew over.  She's awesome, as her name implies.)  We ended up watching The Legend of Frosty the Snowman, which is a Frosty movie from 2005 that neither of us had ever seen.  It was weird.  It had some cute moments, but it was really odd.  We both prefer the earlier Frostier movies.  But the snuggling and hanging out time was awesome, so I will not complain.  Tonight's shoes are Frosty-inspired:

I wasn't searching specifically for Zazzle, but these are all Zazzle, and are the first 3 pairs I found.  I like them. 

That snowman is just so happy!

I love these.  I know you are shocked.

Hypothetical question:  Would it be wrong to leave a spouse to stay in Montana and snuggle with nieces?  Asking for a friend... 😁😋

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