Thursday, December 1, 2016

Theatre Shoes

Pippi and Tink came over after school today.  They, Double A, and The Bean went over to the theater to help me, Dad, and the brother decorate the Christmas tree, which was a lot of fun, even if the girls were all total goofballs.  Actually, the goofballyness of them was why it was fun, because they all crack me up, which I totally needed after today.

Didn't they do a nice job?  For tonight's post I looked up "Llano shoes," because that is the name of the parents' theater.  Llano is the Spanish word for Plains.  Except for the 2nd pair, I couldn't tell you what the connection is, but I just picked some that I liked from the results.

I think I would like these better without the gold accents (which are the Gucci symbol, so they're not going away), but otherwise I think these are adorable. 

The nieces need these for work!

Adorable.  Love the colors.

I actually like these, although I don't think I could pull them off.

I'm not sure what's going on with the pattern on the bow, but otherwise this is cute.

Also adorable.  Also love the colors.

So there you have.  Llano Theatre shoes.  Who knew?

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