Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Crochet Snowflakes

I did actually do some crocheting for Christmas this year, but for some reason I haven't gotten around to posting any of it.  Maybe because I forgot to take pictures of the stuff I did while I was in Montana.  Oops.  I did take a picture of what I crocheted for SKD (which she finally got on Saturday when we finally found time to get together):

I started experimenting with making snowflakes like my Auntie Barbara Ann and Grandma Sylvia used to do. The thread and crochet hook are both teeny tiny, and some of them turned out better than others.  I think my favorites in this picture are the 2 smaller blue ones.  I told SKD that one day we would be financially solvent enough that I could actually buy her gifts instead of crocheting her random things every year for Christmas.  She's a very good spot about it.

Obviously today's shoes will have a crochet snowflake theme:

I think this is cute, but the hole cracks me up.  Does a baby booty really need a handle for the kid to yank up their shoes?

These are interesting, but a little too much.  I'm not sure what it is about them, but I just can't quite get on board, even though I appreciate the effort.

Awww, so cute!

Okie dokie.  Back to work.  I'm taking a quick break because my head is pounding (on that note...I actually had a Dr's appointment this morning to talk about the horrible headaches I keep getting, but I canceled it due to a conflict.  Clearly the universe is now punishing me for that decision).

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