Thursday, January 19, 2017

Uncle Chuck

My mom called this morning to tell me that my Great-Uncle Charles died yesterday.  It wasn't unexpected.  He just celebrated his 90th birthday and has been in declining health for awhile.  I'm feeling sad and a little nostalgic today in light of this news.  I hadn't seen him in many years, so that makes me even sadder.  I recently wrote about him, so today I'm just going to direct you to that post because I'm feeling a little funky right now and don't really want to go look for shoes.  I will say, though, that I am grateful for the many wonderful memories I have of Uncle Chuck and of the love I always felt from him.  He will be missed.

Actually, you know what?  I changed my mind about looking for shoes.  I give you this one picture of Chucks because it is fitting and the colors cheer me up:

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