Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Happy New Year!  Yeah, I know I'm 4 days late, but I haven't posted yet in 2017, so you're getting a belated greeting.  I've been soaking up as much family time as possible this past week because  tomorrow I get on a plane and head home.  You're probably thinking, "it's about dang time she went home."  And you're right.  I've been here for 7 weeks, which is crazy.  Awesome, but crazy.  Oh, and I feel compelled to tell you that I have been working the whole time I've been home.  Not as much as I would have if I'd been in the office, but I work several hours in the morning during the week because there are things that need to be done that I'm in charge of and no one else at the office does.  There.  I feel slightly better now that you know I'm not a complete and total slacker, just mostly a slacker.

Anyhoo, as I said, I leave tomorrow and while I'm super excited to get home and see my hubby, I'm also very sad to leave my family.  It's just so nice to be home and get to participate in all of the family stuff that I normally miss out on.  There are still about a million things I wish I could have done while I was here, and I still didn't get to spend as much time with my aunt and seester as I could have, and there were friends I didn't see at all, and I always still have guilt when I leave.  Yes, I know I have issues.  Plus, tonight was saying goodbye to Double A and The Bean and that is always REALLY hard.  Not that it's not hard to leave everyone, but there are special circumstances that make those 2 really rough.  I won't embarrass them with being mushy on the blog and talking more about it, but I am sad right now.

Moving on.  Want to look at shoes?  Since I'm going home tomorrow tonight I typed in "travel shoes" just to see what came up.  Here are a few of the pairs that popped up:

For some reason these 3 popped out at me.  I'm not sure I would ever buy brogues, but I like all of these colors, and these would be practical for traveling.  Contrary to what you might think, as much as I love heels, I don't actually wear them much, and I never wear them when I fly.  Women who go racing through the airport in 6 inch heels.  More power to them, but I can't do it.

 This looks really comfy and snuggly.  If they have good arch support they'd be great for traveling in the winter.   And they slip off and on, so they make going through security easier.

I love this color.  Except for the snuggly part, I could say the same thing about this pair as the one above.

Love this color, too.

Now I must go finish laundry and pack and then hopefully sleep without having more crazy anxiety dreams.  Wish me luck on all of that!

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