Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday School

The Hubby and I have been crazy busy at the office since I got back from Montana.  Which is good, but as we don't currently have internet at home, and I'm busy at the office, I haven't been posting much this year so far.  Oh well, busy at work is good, hopefully it will turn into lots of good stuff.  Right now I'm hanging out at Starbucks for a bit before going home.  I taught Sunday School this morning.  I'm always a bit awkward at church as it is, given everything from the past few years, but this morning was extra-special-awkward because I set the alarm off.  I  got to church, and went into the main building to get the key for the classroom, which is in an annex.  I went in and thought I heard a car alarm go off, but didn't think much of it.  A few minutes later the pastor's husband came to drop their daughter off for Sunday School and told me I'd set the alarm off.  All I could do was stare blankly and say, "um...what alarm?"  This is what happens when you spend 7 weeks in Montana.  They've had problems with break-ins in that building before, and apparently had another incident right before Christmas, hence the alarm.  It was an innocent mistake, but I still felt like a dork, especially when it got brought up in announcements during the service (just in passing, not in an accusatory way, but still, most people at this church don't even know me, now they just know me as the moron who doesn't know about the alarm).  Sigh.  I know it's not that big of a deal, but I was feeling weird already this morning and then the universe had to take this opportunity to remind me that I'm so very not perfect.  I need to look at shoes.

I typed in "Sunday School shoes" and for some reason saddle shoes were quite prevalent.  I'm not entirely sure why, but they make me smile, especially the polka dot ones.

Awww...this is more what I was picturing.

These are pretty much what I wore as a child, either in white or black.  I would have probably been wearing knee highs with them, though. 

Maybe not this particular pair, but this is closer to what I might wear to Sunday School now.  Or at least several years ago.  I don't wear heels much anymore, and my shoes this morning were totally boring.

I like this, but wish it didn't have the lace panel.  I love the color, though, and definitely needed some blue to cheer me up.

I'm off to do laundry (woohoo!).  I hope your morning was less breaking-and-entering-y than mine...

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