Monday, February 20, 2017

Love Your Pet Day

February 20 is Love Your Pet Day!  I'm guessing for most people with pets, that's pretty much every day, but today is the day you're supposed to spoil them even more, maybe?  The puppies are having a special day in that they got to come to the office with us.  This used to be fairly common in the old office, but since we moved they haven't come with us.  Unfortunately, part of the fence in our backyard blew down last night so they had to come with us so they didn't decide to go hang out with the neighbors or try to explore the wider world.  I like having them here.  The dragons stayed home, but Mondays are freeze-dried mealworm day for them, so at least they got a little treat.  Speaking of the dragons, last night I had a dream that one of the eggs hatched.  The baby was teeny-eensy-tiny, so I reached in to grab it to put it in a different cage, away from the adults.  As I was picking it up, Bulbasaur ran over and ate it!  The hubby said he had a similar dream a couple of nights ago.  I really don't think any of the eggs will actually hatch, but clearly my subconscious is stressed about what will happen if they do.

So, shoes.  Since it's Love Your Pet Day, I thought I'd do a variety of pets, not just puppies and dragons, because I've already done multiple posts on both.

Of course, I had to start with puppies and dragons.  I LOVE these.  Love.  Want.

Oh my goodness, the PB needs these!  They make me smile just looking at them.

The hubby isn't a cat fan.  I like cats, but am terribly allergic.  I don't think these would make me sneeze, though.
I've never personally had pet fish.  I once fish-sat for some friends in seminary.  One of the fish died on my watch...

I don't actually know anyone who has a pet hedgehog, but there are a ton of adorable videos on Facebook, so someone somewhere must have one.

Birdies!  I think these are incredibly sweet baby shoes.  Very Easter-y!

Obviously there are lots more pets in the world, but this is just a sampling. So, what kinds of pets do you have?  Anything unusual?  Let me know and I might have to do another post with different animals!

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