Sunday, February 19, 2017

Any Color as Long as It's Blue

I helped teach Sunday School this morning.  It wasn't my morning to teach, just to be the extra person, so I got to hang out with the kids without planning a lesson.  This church tends to have mostly girls in Sunday School (I've only had 1 boy, 1 week when I've taught).  Today it was a group of 4, and I had a lovely time chatting with them while they did their craft.  During the time the head teacher complimented me on the necklace I was wearing (a sapphire surrounded by diamonds (it's paste, don't go thinking I have crazy expensive jewelry) that the hubby gave me for Christmas a few years ago.  She asked me if I was born in September.  I said no, my birthstone is diamond, but blue is my favorite color.  To which one of the kids piped up with "well, yeah, you wear it ALL the time!"  Observant little thing, eh?  Anyway, it gave me yet another reason to do a post on blue shoes!  Tonight's shoes are blue, but also springy because the trees are starting to bud out here and it's got me thinking about spring.

Do you think your toes get stuck in all of the strings when you put these on?  Or is that just me and my kluztiness?  I love this color.

Blue, strappy, AND t-strap.  Hooray!

Blue, polka-dot Mary Janes?  Also hooray!

I like these in theory, but I feel like my feet would swell and then I'd have weird shapes on my feet when I took my shoes off.  Yes, I have issues.

How much more spring-like can you get?  I might need these for EAster.

Or these.  

Ahhhh...I do love me some blue.  I like other colors, too, honest, but my mom likes to tell me that I like any color as long as it's blue.  Silly mama.  Except that everything I'm wearing at the moment, except for my bra, is blue...

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