Friday, February 10, 2017


Yesterday The Bean tagged me on Facebook, showing me this video:

It's an exhibition happening in New York right now, you can read more about it here if you want.  You should watch the video because there are some crazy shoes in there.  Here are a few stills I found:

The colors are really cool.  That's the only good thing I can say about these.

This is both hilarious and absolutely ridiculous to me.  Makes me laugh AND roll my eyes.

Huh.  Interesting shape, but can you actually walk in them?  I'm guessing I would slide and fall on my patootie.

This might be the most normal one of the group.

I don't think these have heels.  I still need to find a pair like this and try them on because I can't wrap my brain around how these are physically possible.

The Bean thought we should go to New York and see the exhibit.  That would be awesome.  I just need to win the lottery and collect my winnings before the 17th when the exhibit ends!

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