Saturday, February 11, 2017


My mom (hi, Mom!) just posted this to my Facebook wall:

Crochet baby moccasins!  I honest can't decide if they're adorable or awful.  Maybe they're adorablawful?  I think it might be the fringe that's throwing me off, because I think the rest of the shoe is cute.  You know I had to go searching for more:

This fringe kind of makes me think of Bigfoot. bigfoot shoes.  I love the colors.

I like this fringe a little better, I think because it's more fringe-like and not as thick as that first picture.  Yes, I think that's what bugged me about the first pairs.

Definitely my least favorite, but I like the simplicity of them.

These are my favorite.

Thanks, Mom, for the inspiration for tonight's post!  I should actually go crochet now, as I'm behind on several projects...

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