Saturday, April 22, 2017

Earth Day

So, it's been a month and 20 days since I last posted.  I've thought about it a bunch, but like so many things right now, I don't seem to get around to it.  Work has been crazy, life has been crazy, things have been super stressful.  Blah...I won't bore you with the details because they are numerous and they don't even seem plausible when listed all together.  I'll just say that prayers, as always, are appreciated, and if things don't change soon, there will need to be some major changes in our lives.

Let's move on.  It's been forever since I posted, so you don't need to read a bunch of my whining.  Today is Earth Day, and there were lots of Marches for Science around the country.  I didn't march, but had good friends who did.  Instead I will post some earth-themed shoes.  Which is a little ridiculous, and I don't mean to make light of the day, it's just a theme for tonight's post since I'm actually getting around to posting something.

Let's just look at shoes, k?

If these had better arch support (I'm assuming they don't), they'd be great to wear for a march.

I love these.  The colors are so fun.

These would also be on-point for a march.

Love the green.  You know my thoughts about the rest.

These crack me up.  Earths wearing glasses!  I love the Tom's above, but these might be my favorite.

Not my most in-depth post, but hey, I had to start back somewhere.  I can't guarantee I'll post more frequently, but wouldn't it be nice if life calmed down enough to let me?

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