Sunday, April 23, 2017


I need something to make me smile today.  2 years ago I posted Doodlebug shoes in honor of KAH's birthday.  Of course, it's his birthday again today, which makes me smile.  Although I can't believe he's 24.  He was born when I was 18, so for this year we're inverse ages.  I posted this picture on Facebook this morning:

This is from when I used to do daycare for him and his sister, and this is how I tend to think of him (although I DO realize he is a grown man with a job and a life, of whom I am incredibly proud).  I have a small obsession with small children in overalls, so dressed him in them as often as possible.  

So that's my doodlebug.  I already did a doodlebug post, though, and there weren't a lot of options, but doodlebug led me to ladybug, which makes me think of The Bean, which also makes me smile.  So today's post will be ladybug shoes, of which there are lots.

These are very sweet.  I might even wear them if they came in my size.

I would totally wear these in my size, but only if there was a small child (or several) who had matching pairs and we used them for puddle jumping!

So cute.  But dang those are some big eyes.

I'm thinking my mama could totally make these in a variety of sizes.

Ribbon laces!  You know I'm a sucker for ribbon laces.  In fact, I wore my coral canvas shoes with the ribbon laces just yesterday. 

I love all the colors on this.

See?  I should post more often as this one has given me several things to smile about.

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