Saturday, April 29, 2017

Love is Love is Love

I was reminded this week that I have amazing friends and family.  You'd think I would know this by now, but a little reminder never hurts.  First, a friend from seminary was in town from Washington DC and she stayed with the hubby and me on Thursday night.  It was sooooo good to see her and hang out.  We had dinner with the BSF Thursday night and it was really great to have some good, quality girl time.  I definitely needed it.  There were a bunch of other reminders of why my friends are awesome these past couple of days, but I'm not going to go into the details in this post. Suffice it to say that I have felt surrounded by love.  I hope I can pay that love forward, backward, sideways, and interdimensionally in thanks.  To celebrate, tonight's shoes are love themed.

I've posted these before, but they are Beatles shoes that say All You Need is Love a million times.  No, really, it's a million, I counted.  And I'll probably post them a million times more.  Also, I love the colors.

I don't like this as well as the first pair, but I still love the colors, and it looks like a DIY project, so I appreciate the effort.

Yes, I know this is the same as the first pair, but it's for a TODDLER.  Someone please get me a toddler so s/he can have these shoes!

I know these last two are kind of tiny and hard to see, but they are Toms, and all covered in hearts, and I like the colors on both.

It's true, all you need is love, and I am grateful and blessed to have been showered in love t his week.  Thank you, my friends.

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