Sunday, April 30, 2017


It has been in the 80s here the last couple of days.  For those of you who woke up to snow in the past week, I apologize.  I would gladly send you some of our heat so we can all have a happy medium, because I'm not ready for hot yet.  But the sun was lovely, and maybe the Vitamin D helped my mood. After yesterday's post about friendship, today I am actually feeling hope for the first time in what feels like forever.  It might be short lived, it might turn around tomorrow and bite me in the rear, or maybe it will blossom into good things.  I don't know, but I'm sure as heck enjoying it while it's hanging around.  In the spirit of hope I figured I'd type "hope shoes" into image search and see what popped up.

We all know I can't wear white shoes or they would be completely filthy in about 5 minutes.  I like the style of these, though, and I'm going to pretend that the lighter color is actually gray or silver, because then they would be the colors of my alma mater, and that would be fun.

This one is sort of cheating?  But not really.  The name of the first (technically 4th, but you know what I mean) Star Wars movie is A New Hope, even though everyone just tends to call it Star Wars.  Besides, it's my blog and I say it counts.

I want to like these.  They're so close.  The colors are fun.  There's just something about the velvet that doesn't quite sit right with me.  I'm not quite sure what it is.

I love the colors on this one (duh) and you know I love stripes.  This isn't 100% for me, but I still think it's fun and quirky.

This one is my favorite.  Love the colors and the stripes.  It makes me happy.  As do you you, my friends.  Thank you for being in my life and helping contribute to my feeling of hope.  I hope (hee) I can do the same for you in some small fashion.


  1. Yay for hope! I'll take the last pair, in flats tho. :)

    1. That last pair would be adorable as flats. I don't really wear heels anymore, so we could both have them as ballet slippers and be shoe twins. :-)
