Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Happy Birthday, Double A

Quick commercial break before the post.  Today I created a glossary of nicknames and things I use on the blog that you may or may not know.  I will put links in posts for those nicknames so you can always click on them and read about anything you might not remember.  Please let me know what else I can add to the glossary, because I know I've forgotten stuff!  Now...on to the post!

Today is Double A's birthday!  (see that underline under Double A?  That leads you to the glossary!)  I can't believe she is 17 today.  Just like last year I couldn't believe she was 16, and 7 years ago I couldn't believe she was 10, and 10 years ago I couldn't believe she was 7....you get the idea.  I'm so proud of the young woman she is becoming.  She has the sweetest personality and she makes me smile on a regular basis.   A couple of weekends ago was her spring play.  She's a drama nerd like me!  Which makes me sooooo happy.  Her costume for the play involved a really bright, fun yellow skirt.   It was sunshiney just like her.  I mean, look at this face, how could it not make you smile?

She was such a sweet, happy baby.  How can you not smile at that face?

OK, these aren't yellow, but they are sunshiney.  I like them.  They are bright and fun.

I love these, but I'm not so sure about the cross detail.  Which is weird...you'd think I'd like the cross, right?  And I do, but just not on these shoes for some reason.

Oh, I forgot to mention that all of the shoes are flats because Double A is not a fan of heels.  Silly niecey-poo!  I would like to have a cute pair of yellow ballet flats for summer.

These are to much.  Pick one and go with it.  I would pick the laces because I love that bright yellow.

You knew the baby shoes were coming, right?  Baby Double A could have totally rocked any of these.  Any kid who can pull off a red and white striped, off the shoulder Elmo shirt, can make these adorable shoes look fierce!

Happy Birthday, Double A!  Like I said on Facebook, I love you to the moon, stars, pond, and back!

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