Wednesday, May 3, 2017

It's a Mystery

Today's shoes have a theme.  They are what came up when I typed in a certain word + shoes into the image search.  I'm just not going to tell you what that word is.  Because apparently I'm feeling stubborn today.  And for those of you who know me, you'll know that I am very rarely stubborn...😁 Without further ado, here are the shoes:

Well, that's weird.  Kind of cool in an arty way, but definitely weird from a shoe perspective.

These are very similar to the shoes in yesterday's post, and I still don't really care for the cross detail.

I actually love this, although again from an arty perspective.  The colors are bright and fun, and I can see Ms. Frizzle wearing these on a Magic School Bus Adventure.

I'm not completely sure what's going on here, but I like the colors.

Speaking of loving the colors.  Plus stripes!  So fun.

And there you have it.  Mystery theme.  If you have any guesses, let me know, but I don't think anyone will actually figure it out.

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