Monday, May 1, 2017

May Day

Happy May Day!  It's crazy that it's May already.  Where is this year going?  It was almost 90 degrees here today, which is crazy.  I'm not ready for the heat, but as I said yesterday the sunshine has been nice.  I've done several flower posts, so today I thought I would do a specific flower, and tulips came to mind because they're so springy.

These are pretty.  I don't think I want a pair, but they're still pretty.

I think these are rain or gardening shoes, but they also kind of look like slippers.  Again, pretty, but not a pair I want. 

There were a lot of these.  Some with tulips painted on them, some just wooden shoes with tulips inside.  Makes sense as wooden shoes and tulips are associated with Holland.  I would use these for decoration, but not as footwear.

These I would wear.  Is it weird that I would wear the pink ones but not the first pair?

So sweet!

See comment above.  Repeat.

Hope you all had a lovely day that involved flowers of some kind, even if they were just on shoes or a computer screen.


  1. The tulips on the first pair look all stiff and formal while the second ones look all soft and floppy. Just my opinion of course. ME
