Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my dad, father-in-law, brother, and brother-in-law!  Happy birthday to dads of all kinds: biological dads, step-dads, adoptive dads, single dads, father figures, uncles, godfathers, etc!  And for those of you for whom this day is hard, whether it's because you have lost your father or your father was not in your life but in it and not a good father, or you are a father who has lost a child, know that you are not alone and you are in thoughts and prayers today.

What can I say about my dad that I haven't already?  He and my mom nurtured my love of reading.  He took me hiking and camping and fishing.  He tried to teach me to parallel park, but I was way too angst-y and hormonal and adolescent-y to be a good student.  Because of him my taste in music tends to run to decades way before my time.  He tells awesomely bad dad jokes.  For instance:
  • The first line of the song Smoke Gets in Your Eyes is "they asked me how I knew our true love was true."  Because of my father I sing, "they asked me how I knew turtle soup was blue."
  • He used to sing to the dump to the dump to the dump dump dump to the tune of the Lone Ranger.
  • I have no idea why, but he used to say, "see that man over there with the stripe down his pants?  Looks like water, but it's snot."  (this one is better said out loud)
  • If you say, "you're back!" to my dad, he will reply, "and my front, too!"
  • When we leave he is fond of saying, "and we're off! Like a terd of hurtles!"
There are a million more, but for some reason I've been drawing a blank today trying to think of them. I even called my brother and he couldn't remember them, either.  Suffice it to say, he's a hoot, my dad.
Here are some shoes in honor of his awesomeness:

I might wear these in my size if I could find them.

The PB would definitely have these.

Wow, are these specific.

Or maybe I would them in this color combination.  OK, you know I'd have the blue pair.
Happy Father's Day, everyone!  Especially my dad, I love you!

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