Friday, June 16, 2017


My heart is sad today for 2 friends in particular.  SKD texted me this morning to tell me that their beloved Lucy died this morning.  She was a Chihuaha/something or other, and she had the sweetest, funniest little underbite ever:

They are heartbroken, of course.  She's been with them for 11 years and will be missed.

Yesterday I found out that The Coffee Friend's dog, Marty was diagnosed with metastatic cancer. It's already spread to his lungs, liver, kidney. It began in the right sinus and that tumor is now protruding against his skull. She made the heart-rending decision to have him relieved of his pain.  She will have the weekend with him and say good-bye on Monday.  Marty is the cutest Labradoodle I know:

Neither option is good.  In one you don't have a chance to say good-bye and in the other you get that chance but have to wait for what's coming.  I want to hug both of them.  SKD is closer, but I still can't get to her right now, and The Coffee Friend is in Wisconsin.

I don't want to do puppy shoes because it seems too sad.  Instead I will do rainbow shoes tonight in honor of these beloved pets who are making their last trip over the rainbow bridge.

Hug your fur babies extra close tonight, and please pray for these dear friends.

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