Saturday, June 10, 2017

Yay, Friends

Last night I got to hang out with the Camp/Author Friend and her significant other!  (Partner?  They aren't married, but have been together forever.  English needs a better word for this type of relationship)  Anyhoo, they were in the area and were able to go to dinner and visit for awhile.  Actually, they took us to dinner, which was extremely sweet of them.  They are both awesome and it was so good to see them as it's been a couple of years since we got to hang out.  It reminded me once again that I am blessed with amazing friends.

The C/AF was wearing adorable turquoise-y ballet flats.  I didn't get a picture, but they were cute.  They also might have been more blue than turquoise, but I'm going with turquoise for the shoes in tonight's post.  



Oooh, shiny.

I like the cutouts on this.

I really like the green accent on this one.

My main issue with most of the ballet flats I've tried on is that they have zero arch support.  I may as well be bare foot for the support they have.  These are Keens, though, so I'm assuming they would have arch support.  Apparently I need me some Keens ballet flats!

And what was I wearing for shoes last night you might ask?  I was wearing boring black sandals.  JG would be so proud! 

The hubby and I were very happy to have some social time last night with good friends.  It's been a bit crazy and hectic around here for awhile, so this was a much-needed break.

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