Sunday, January 6, 2013


I took a picture of today's calendar (which also happens to be yesterday's...turns out I don't get 365 days of shoes because Saturday and Sunday are on one page.  Rude!), but it does not appear on my phone, so I must not have actually captured it.  I'll say my phone is possessed, but it was really probably something I did.
Good news is that I have other pictures for you.  Today at church we celebrated Epiphany.  The 12 days of Christmas last from Christmas day until January 5th, then the 6th is the day when the church celebrates the visit of the Magi to the baby (or toddler) Jesus.  We celebrated at church with a brunch between services, king's cake, and the blessing of chalk for people to do house blessings.  I celebrated by taking pictures of adorable shoes.
These are my feet and the feet of 3 of the awesome kiddos at church.  Love the sparkles, love the fuschia with flowers, and love the 22 different colored stripes (I love stripes as much as I love shoes!  I also just made up that number).

These are adorable AND they lit up!  And considering that light is one of the themes of Epiphany, they seem like the perfect  choice.

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