Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hawaii in January

First off, I'm happy to say that yesterday got better.  Not completely resolved, but definitely better.  Now, on to shoes.
Today the hubby and I went to a friend's 50th birthday party.  The theme was Hawaii 5-0 so we were encouraged to wear Hawaiian shirts.  Neither of us owns one.  But wait!  I own a dress!  (that we bought in Mexico, but shhh...)
Hmmm...guess who didn't iron her not a shirt Hawaiian dress?  I also didn't have shoes that went, so these were as close as I could get.  But I painted my toes to match!  Speaking of shoes.  Here are my feet with the feet of our lovely hostess.  She how her flip flops have palm trees on them?  She's so cool.
The party was fun with some fun new peeps to hang out with.  Ohhhh, and I got to hold the 5 month old grandson of the Birthday Boy.  He drooled and I bounced and we talked about life.  Bliss.

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