Monday, January 7, 2013

Party Shoes

Mondays are my day off, which means I'm not at church today.  My shoe calendar lives in my church office, so no picture of today's selection.
Instead, here are some pictures from my last day at my last call.  For my going away party everyone was asked to wear their favorite pair of shoes.  The tables were even decorated with vintage shoes from some of the older women's collections.  It was awesome.  A friend of mine then went around and took pictures of people's feet.  Here are some of the pictures:
You probably already figured out from the cross tattoo that mine are the red shoes with the double straps.  These were my favorite shoes at the time.  I bought them for my ordination.  I still like them very much, but I tend to be fickle and have moved on to new favorites.
Cute flats!  Something I'm not always good at.
More cute flats.  The photographer is wearing the pink shoes to the right of mine.
I love this one!  The red are a friend of mine, the boots are her son.  I love that he wore corduroy pants and green rain boots with faces on them to my party!

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