Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Shoe Box P---

So my brother posted a picture on my facebook timeline recently from a site called Shoe Box P---.*
My first thought was "How did I not know about this site?" followed closely by, "How the heck did my BROTHER know about this site?"  Anyhoodle, I headed on over and checked it out.  Shoes!  More shoes!  Some of the pictures are deliberately attempting to be provocative in ways they don't need to be, but I try to just focus on the shoes.  Some of which are fabulous, some of which look like they are on the feet of hookers.  And sometimes it's a fine line indeed between the 2.
So, my facebook newsfeed is now filled with pictures of shoes.  Which is awesome.  And today a lot of them are blue.  Which is even more awesome!  Here is a sampling:

Love these! Want both pairs!
Shiny! (in both a literal, and a Firefly kind of way...)
Not my usual style, but quirky and fun!
These hang out right on that line, and yet I kind of like them.
*Edited:  I changed the name and parts of this post because I was getting a little tired of deleting some crazy @$$ comments.  We'll see if it helps.


  1. I love the different variety of styles! Keep them coming!

  2. Is shoepox a site for just showing tour shoes off or is it a site where u can purchase the shoe that are shown

    1. It's a facebook page to show shoes, not a retail site. Most of the pictures don't have any information on what brand/where to buy.

  3. Lord I appreciate you for giving this person the vision. I LOVE SHOES!!

  4. how can these shoes be purchased

  5. I thought I remembered reading this post when it first came out, but I swear I didn't see those shoes, because I would definitely have remembered them! The first fours pictures made me wish I still worked in an office and lived a lifestyle where I could wear shoes like those, and that my feet, legs, knees and hips could handle them! (I have not wanted to do those things for a VERY long time, so this is mind-boggling.) But they are simply gorgeous. And I love the quirky ones too, though in those, even I think they might be fun in blue. I do like red, though - hmmm... the other blue ones are just wonderful blues, though. Yummmmmmy! I can't imagine a single thing in my life these days that would mean it was okay to wear this type of shoe...so even if I could, I'd probably just have to wear them around the house. Kind of silly. But they are very beautiful, and I think you should have them all...especially the first two. Jo
