Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wishy Washy

I have a small confession to make:  I'm wishy-washy (OK, those of you who know me already knew this...I can hear you snorting from here.  Stop that!).  When I first saw this picture yesterday I wasn't impressed.  Didn't hate them, just thought, meh...whatever.

Then I read that they are vintage, from 1952.  It wasn't an immediate change of opinion, but the year got me to thinking about outfits from that time period.  The more I thought about the outfits, the more I started to like the shoes.  On their own I still find them kind of meh, but once I checked with my good friend Google and fell down (yet another) rabbit hole of images, I started picturing these shoes with dresses, and then I was much more favorable toward them.  Here are a few of my favorite outfits:


So while I don't necessarily love the shoes on their own, they make me think of fabulous outfits from another era, and then I do kind of love them.  See?  Wishy washy.


  1. Ahhh love the outfits too, makes me want to watch old movies ;)

  2. Ooooh, come over and we'll have an old movie marathon! :-)
