Monday, February 4, 2013

In the Family

My aunt's funeral was this past Thursday.  I wasn't able to go because of the surgery on Wednesday, and I definitely missed being there.  Funerals aren't my favorite thing, but they do provide an opportunity to grieve, honor, and celebrate with others who knew the person.  I would have liked to have been able to hug my mom and dad, hang out with my siblings, and snuggle the nieces.  On Thursday I got a text from my mom sending me a picture of my cousin's daughter's shoes.

When I first saw them I thought they were green sparkly, but they are actually dark gold sparkly.  I'm not always a fan of the wedge, but I really like these.  I also like that my mom took the time to take a picture of shoes for me.  She said of course she would "now that you're a shoe blogger."  I might not be world famous, but I'm famous within my own family. :-)  My family is awesome and I miss them.

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