Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Or, at least what's left of it.  These shoes have nothing to do with the holiday, but they ARE festive:

One of the acolytes at the second service was wearing them, and I thought they were a lot of fun.  She was a good sport about letting me take a picture of her foot, although I'm pretty sure I just reinforced her impression that I'm crazy.  Not sure what kind of impression I made on her grandmother, who is visiting from Switzerland.  She kind of laughed, but also looked at me like I was possibly the oddest person she'd ever met.
In other news, the hubby has been working frantically on our backyard.  It's not finished (according to him), but it's getting there, and he set up the hammock this past week while I was at synod assembly.  Ahhhh...I love a good hammock.  We bought ours when we were in Mexico on our honeymoon, and this is the first time we've set it up.  I may just move in permanently. 
Here you can see some of the yard, and me ensconced in the hammock with a book. Hmmm...I wonder what I should name the hammock? Maybe Harvey. Except then I would end up saying things like, "I'm going to go lay in Harvey..."

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