Saturday, May 4, 2013

May the Fourth

Dang.  Now I kind of wish I had realized and saved my Star Wars post for today.  May the Fourth be with you.  (And also with you)  It just didn't occur to me the other day when I wrote the post that I had the perfect day to use it.  At any rate, if I owned them, I totally would have worn these today:

It would have been totally and completely awesome.  Sadly, I am just not that cool.

She didn't wear them today, but I had to take a picture.  These are the shoes the BSF bought the other day when we went shopping together.
Again, cute.  Again, slingbacks.  Again, coveting.  Oh well.  I wore 2 pairs of shoes today, both of which I have posted, probably a couple of times.  This morning we finished up synod assembly and had worship, then I drove home from Fresno.  When I got home I quickly showered and changed into my second outfit and pair of shoes for the day and the hubby and I went to a Cinco de Mayo/birthday party at some friends of ours'.  He's actually still there, but I came home so I could go to bed since I have to work tomorrow.  Which means I need to stop typing and actually go to sleep.

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