Saturday, June 1, 2013


It's June 1st, and it was in the upper 90s here, today.  I guess that means that summer is officially here.  I like summer.  I'm not so fond of the crazy heat we have here.  I like somewhere in the 70-80 range, but we're more likely to be in the 90-100+ range.  Despite the heat, the hubby and I spent a good chunk of the afternoon in the backyard.  I read, he played on his ipad, and we both sweated.  And now my eyes are gummy and I'm sniffing like crazy.  But it was nice despite the sweat and the allergens.  So, summer feet...what does that mean for you?  Flip flops?  Fun pedicures?  Toe rings?  I did a quick search and found some fun pictures.

No shoes in the first pic, but some definite summer feet.  As you know, I'm not a huge fan of flip flops, but that doesn't mean they don't make me think of summer.  I like the 2nd picture because of the fun colors, and the 3rd picture looks like one I would take.  The last one is my favorite, though, because it looks like my feet looked all summer long.  I went everywhere barefoot, even wandering around town, to the pool, to the library.  I'm sure my feet were constantly filthy, and way tougher than they are now.  In my Birkenstock phase I constantly had striped feet in the summer from the tan lines.  Aaaah...summer memories.

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