Friday, May 3, 2013

Would You Throw Shoes?

Day 2 of Synod Assembly was long; it was a full day of meetings with a fairly contentious budget discussion.  Good work was done, though, so that makes the length easier to handle.  I'm currently in my hotel room, enjoying some introvert time and watching crap TV. 
When I checked facebook this morning before meetings, I saw this:
I fully own that I am easily entertained, but this made me snicker a little.  I would never throw my shoes at someone.  Probably. 
I would certainly never throw these adorable shoes at someone.
Another offering from the BSF.  She is totally knocking it out of the park with shoes at this event.  And her shoes are once again making me covet.  This is the nice thing about having friends with awesome taste in shoes...I can totally live vicariously through their shoe closets.

1 comment:

  1. Oh...I LOVE these! I am totally sinning by coveting these! I want them very, very much! I love flip-flops, but I never have PRETTY ones. I would get those immediately if I could. Where did she get them? Find out for me, K? Jo
