Thursday, May 2, 2013

Slingbacks and Cake

Today was a day of meetings, but some really good things as well:  Good worship (of course it was good as the BSF planned it), and I got to sleep in because things didn't start until 1:00.  The sleeping in was awesome, and so needed.  This sinus infection isn't awful, it's just making me crazy tired.  Anyhoo, I wore shoes today that I have already posted, but the BSF was wearing adorable shoes:

I love them and I covet them.  I also covet her ability to wear slingbacks.  I'm sinning all over the place today.  Adorable.  One of the many reasons she is, in fact, my BSF.

Speaking of adorable, this was posted on my facebook timeline today:

Pretty sure this needs to be my next birthday cake, except in blue.  Would someone please get on that for me?



  1. But it's fondant! You find the shoe & arrange to be home for your next birthday & we'll see what we can do. ME

    1. I know...I'm not thrilled by fondant. But the cake is so cute! Maybe you could just make it with regular frosting. :-)

    2. We could try. ME

  2. I know someone who could definitely do it, but you would have to be in Montana. Sooooo....will you be here, or not? JO
