Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm an Aunty Who Does What She's Told

The Bean sent me this picture today from her phone and told me I had to put it on the blog:
It's a...shed?  With a giant shoe on it?  I really have no explanation for what is going on in this picture.  Why is this necessary?  I love me some shoes, but I don't need to decorate with them to this level.  Thanks, Bean, for the picture.  And for making your aunty totally confused.
In other Bean news, we always joke that she needs to find a box big enough to ship herself here so we can hang out.  Today I told her to tell her dad (my brother) that the hubby and I are just going to adopt her and keep her with us.  I'm sure I got an eye roll for my comment.  Of course, as soon as adolescent pissiness hits, we're sending her back!

1 comment:

  1. Her Grammy is also confused. I have no idea where she foung that. ME
