Sunday, June 9, 2013


It has been a looooong day.  The hubby's car blew up while he was out running an errand.  No, really.

The most important thing is that he is OK.  He was able to pull over and get out of the car while flames were shooting out of his vents.  The fireman said he was really really lucky.  Not sure what the heck happened.  This car was his favorite thing ever.  He called it his baby.  Pretty sure he loves it more than me.  He is a very sad hubby today.  I'm just grateful he's safe.
On a happier note, the picture from yesterday is apparently from a place called The Silver Slipper Casino.  So at least there's an explanation.  Thanks, Dad (Mom, you'll have to pass that on, since I know he doesn't read this) for the info!  And why do you know about this place, anyway?


  1. I'm not sure how he knew - always full of surprises.
    Your spouse is not the only one saddened by the loss of that car - so are your 3 oldest nieces.

  2. Oh, Sarah, you told me but I still didn't actually realize what you meant! WOW...I'm so glad Tate wasn't hurt. Looks pretty miraculous that he wasn't. You've had too many things to deal with lately, but God was certainly with you both that day! Take care of yourselves. I'll be writing your letter tonight. jo
