Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Picture Day

If you ever want to experience the craziness of a VBS with almost 200 children, you should either visit us during worship or on picture today.  Today was picture day.  I love seeing all of the kids in their matching shirts, and always love the pictures when they are done.  Getting there is quite the challenge though.  First you have to hand out the shirts. 
"I didn't get one!" 
"Did you check with your guide?"
"Oh.  No."
"Mine doesn't fit!"
"I don't like orange!"
"His shirt is better!"
"It's exactly the same."
And on and on.  Then you have to get the kids lined up by grade and height.  THEN you have to try and get everyone looking at the camera, not making dorky faces or "sexy" poses, not throwing stuff, not shoving each other, etc.  (and that's just the Sr. Pastor...)  I always think the result is worth it, though.
That's a lot of shoes.

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